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Archive for the 'Neck Pain' Category

The Neck & Shoulder Pain Relationship

Given the close anatomical proximity between the neck and shoulder, it’s no wonder the two are intimately related. With our hectic lifestyles that include driving, hunching over computers and electronic devices, and talking on the phone (not to mention stress arising from multiple sources), sometimes it seems like the muscles in the neck, upper back, [..]

The Neck and Headache "Connection"

When we hear the term headache, we don’t usually think about the neck. Rather, we focus on the head, or more specifically, the part of the head that hurts. But, during a consultation, a doctor of chiropractic will usually find some connection or correlation between the patient's headaches and their neck. The key to this [..]

Neck Pain: What Can I Do About It?

Neck pain is one of those conditions that affect most people at some point during their lifetime.  Because of the way we are anatomically built, the neck is particularly vulnerable to injury (it has to hold up an average head weight of 15 pounds (~7 kg) which can be quite a job, especially when we [..]

Neck Pain and Arthritis

When we say the word "arthritis," many images come to mind. Some people think of crippled hands or perhaps Mr. Smith who talks about his bad hip being, "…bone on bone!" Or, how about the neighbor who has a bad knee and walks with a limp and a cane? Rarely do we think about the [..]

Neck Pain and the Disk

When your doctor of chiropractic says to you, "…you have a cervical disk problem," do you know what that means? I didn’t think so. As doctors, we talk about these things so often, we sometimes just assume you know what we’re talking about. So first, sorry about that! Now, let’s clear up the question, what [..]

"My Neck Is Killing Me!"

When patients present with neck pain, they always ask, "Where is the pain coming from?" Of course, this can only be answered after a careful history and thorough evaluation is completed by their doctor of chiropractic. Let’s take a closer look at what this involves... The History: This includes a careful description of how the [..]

Can Chiropractic Really Help Neck Pain?

Neck pain is a very common problem affecting up to 70% of the adult population at some point in life. Though there are specific causes of neck pain such sports injuries, car accidents, or simply sleeping in an awkward position, the vast majority of the time, no direct cause can be identified and thus the [..]

Neck Pain – Where Does it Come From?

Neck pain is a very common problem that can with a number of possible causes. It can come from laying crooked while watching TV, it can come from sleeping in a draft, it can come as a response to a cold or flu, it can hurt because of a sinus infection ("referred pain"), it can [..]

Neck Pain Self-Help Techniques

It is very important that those of us with neck pain learn what we can do to help ourselves as the benefits from treatment are always much more satisfying for both the healthcare provider and patient. Self-care promotes independence and a feeling of accomplishment. You are the most important part of this "team" effort to [..]

Neck Pain and Sleep

We're hoping this article will not PUT you to sleep but rather WAKE YOU UP to the important information presented here about how to sleep in the presence of neck pain. If you’ve ever had neck pain, then you already know how challenging it is to find a comfortable position in bed and how difficult [..]